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"Afghans in the verge of dying of starvation"

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

When the Taliban took over the government of Afghanistan, thousands of people scrambled for the last remaining flights out of the city’s airport to escape poverty and death. The crisis is considered as the perfect opportunity for human traffickers to make profit as they charge $500 to $700 to pass people to Iran.People unable to leave are condemned to die because of the lack of food resources. After the Taliban took over, the spiking prices, the shortages of cash and other have led to a lot of people not having access to food, shelter, water, and health care. Prices are increasing every day and people cannot afford even to buy a plate of food.

Some of the causes of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan are the Taliban’s past links to Al-Qaeda, disastrous prior period of governance, failure to keep public commitments, and horrific human rights record. These factors have created distrust when it comes on the cooperation between foreign countries and the Taliban. <<The Central Bank’s inability to conduct transactions in US dollars or obtain US dollars in paper currency are major factors in Afghanistan’s economic crisis>>People are unable to withdraw money and banks do not have cash. The government has no authority in printing money.The economy and social services are amid a collapse and governments, the UN, and international financial institutions need to act and adjust already existing restrictions and sanctions which affect Afghanistan’s economy and the banking system.

To deal with the crisis in Afghanistan the UN should try to continue shipments of money for humanitarian purposes. The Taliban should accept to cooperate and allow the UN to manage the money without interfering.

Source:“Afghanistan Facing Famine.”,HRWHuman Rights Watch, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, 12 Nov. 2021,

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