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The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and the negative impact that it had on children

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has not only resulted to the worsening of the living conditions of Afghans but also to the increase of child mortality. Children in Afghanistan have been negatively affected by the crisis as 1child in 16 dies before their 5th birthday,38% of children suffer from stunting due to malnutrition,42% of children are out of school, 70% of girls (15+) face difficulties when it comes to reading and writing, and 21% of children work instead of going to school (child labour).

A lot of cases were reported were families sold their children, especially girls mostly for marriage to earn money and cover their debts.

Girls were mostly affected by the Taliban takeover as they were denied the right of attending school and were forced to be escorted by a man whenever seen outside.

The question that arises is what does the future hold for Afghan girls and generally children and what measures have to be taken by the international community?

Source:“How to Help Afghan Children.” Save the Children, SAVE THE CHILDREN, 2021,

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